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Access Asia

The CRC offers a specialist services to support Western Australian businesses to trade and communicate effectively with Asia.


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Translation services


The basics of doing business with Asian markets mean having the right document in the right language for the right buyer.  Brochures, menus, tasting notes, product description sheets, media releases, we can help you create the perfect document for the market you are tapping in to.

Prices from only $75

Business cards

Introduce your brand and get noticed for taking the time to communicate properly.  We can design and print culturally appropriate business cards for the market you are trying to enter.

Prices from only $25


Reaching overseas buyers, tourists or customers’ needs an internationally accessible website.  Communicate in the right language to get maximum value out of your businesses biggest marketing tool. We can translate sections, pages or your whole website, whatever works best for your business and customers.

Prices from only $225

Total package

Have maximum impact and ensure your business is best placed to grab, and keep, those new customers. Our Total Business Package* gives our clients:
+ Website translation*
+ Your business documents translated as required*
+ Business Card design and print*
+ Your emails translated as required*
+ Your business signage translated as required*

Only $699 for your business to have its annual translation needs met!
* - maximum numbers do apply

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Our partners

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Pemberton CRC    61 Brockman St, Pemberton WA   PH (08) 9776 1745   Email:

Pemberton CRC acknowledges the Traditional Owners and custodians of country where we operate. In the spirit of reconciliation, we recognise their continuing cultural connections to their land, waters and communities. We pay our respect to their Elders both past and present and to all First Australians of today.

Thank you to the members of Southern Forest Photography,

Kieran Dearle, Graeme Dearle, and Matthew Holder for the photos used on this website

© 2022 Pemberton CRC

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